Your Choice 3
Your Choice Software Collection 3.iso
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-=> Review Krew <=-
│ ATOMiC Headquarters │
┌─[Board Name]──────────────┴─[Number/Affiliates]─┴───────────────[SysOps]──┐
│Lords of the Underground..(201) 267-4001!..[ATOMiC WHQ/PiC].Dionysus/Hitman│
│Valley of Souls...........(908) NJ!-STATE..[FUSiON WHQ/PWA].......Cloudsend│
│Kiss of Death.............(518) NY!-STATE..[DISTORTION USHQ]..........Rogue│
│Futures Unknown...........(410) RI!-STATE......................Hammer/Storm│
│ ATOMiC Dist Sites │
┌─[Board Name]──────────────┴─[Number/Affiliates]─┴───────────────[SysOps]──┐
│Paranor...................(201) NJ!-AFFIL..[ACE/iMAGE/WDF]...........Cobalt│
│Artificial Intelligence...(718) NY!-AFFIL..[PiC WHQ]...............Al Bundy│
│ ATOMiC Member Staff │
│Hitman...............PreZ/DOS Reviewer│The Messiah...........LEFT THE SCENE│
│Rogue....Co-PreZ/Dist-Site Coordinator│Jester...................ANSI Artist│
│Cable..................Console Reviews│You.....................We Need You!│
│ Greetz go out to the following top-quality ulta-cool groupies: │
│----L.O.R.D.S.----: You move um' fast enough, but Ghost you GOTA sleep man!│
│TRSi: You beat um' all to the game of the year, Ultima VIII - Pagan! │
│Spazm Couriers: "Not tonight honey, I got a modem".. the best line of '94! │
│ISA: Foreman is innocent, ISA is gone, and 206 is dead. │
│ What is ATOMiC? │
│ATOMiC is a brand new group that does reviews in two different formats. The│
│first format is a weekly review of misc. released files. The second format │
│is a main selective review of a certain major utility or game that is new │
│on the scene. This analysis is in depth and descriptive, and rates games on│
│a scale from 1-100 in many different areas. We also release a lot of misc │
│releases such as quick dox, manuals, small useful DOS utilities, and │
│basically anything else we see that is very useful and needs to be released│
│If you would like to become a ATOMiC affiliate, please fill out the ATOMiC │
│application that comes with this review and upload it to Lords of the │
│Underground BBS in the ATOMiC Conference (#1). If you are the first ATOMiC│
│dist site in your AC, you are eligible for a State HQ position. If you meet│
│qualifications for a USHQ and you include that you want to be a USHQ in │
│your application, we will look over your system and tell you what we think.│
│there is a limit of three (3) ATOMiC dist sites per AC and one (1) State HQ│
│state in the US. Canadian Provice HQ and dist sites are also available. │
│International HQs for ATOMiC are granted by invitation only by Hitman ONLY.│
│If you are interested in being an ATOMiC courier or reviewer, please fill │
│out the ATOMiC application that came with this review and upload it to the │
│Lords of the Underground BBS. Couriers and reviewers are chosen by Hitman │
│only and understand the amount of time necessary to work for ATOMiC. │
- Hitman [iNFiNiTY/ATOMiC/LOTU]